Why Choose Us
At Mediterranean Marine, creating professionals is a passion - something we achieve with our thoroughprofessionalism and strong industry tie ups and something we have been successfully doing over the last ten years.We believe in the development of intellectual leadership qualities, human values and corporate ethics and delivering the highest qualityof technical excellence to the shipping industry.
Mediterranean Marine is a specialist company in the field of merchant navy Training, Crewing and TechnicalManagement with a vision to become a leader in ship management by continuously imbibing skills, promoting qualityand being innovative.
Certified in accordance with the Maritime Labour Convention(MLC) 2006, Regulation 1.4 as amended and theInternational Standards Organization(ISO) 9001:2015, we are continuously upscaling our efforts and regulatoryrequirements in the process.
Mediterranean Marine is fully committed to consistently providingtotal quality in all our services to satisfy and enhance current andemerging needs and expectations of our customers and in theprocess gain the confidence of seafarers and the marine industry ingeneral and be recognized as a trustworthy and dependable shipmanagement company.
We adopt a proactive approach concerning needs of our clients andare responsive to their comments, requests, suggestions orcomplaints, trying always to improve the value of our services. We set measurable and meaningful quality objectives, follow andreview them periodically to ensure customer delight!
Located in India, Mediterranean Marine supplies maritimepersonnel for the following types of vessels: Bulk Carriers,Containers, General Cargo, Passenger fleet, Oil, Chemical and GasTankers, Ro-Ro, Offshore Tugs, Anchor Handling Tugs, Fishing and Research vessels etc.
We have a very good coverage of the well developed maritimelabour markets both directly and through local agents in the wholeof Asia specially India, Sri Lanka, Philippines etc. This not onlyprovides for more applicants, but it also helps to benefit from lowerwages and taxes. We ensure that all personnel is duly educated, experienced and speaks English on a working level.
And to give you the best of services we follow a simple rule: if wesupply crew to your tanker company, then you are an exclusivetanker company with us. That gives you the edge and gives us moreoptions to provide the best input quality. Thus, customers alwaysget the best personnel that we have for the particular vessel type. Over the last several years we have been supplyingIndian crew and officers and have supplied to almosthalf the world. Our crew and officers have joinedcompanies from the following ports:Dubai, Oman. Kuwait, Turkey, Greece, South Africa,Congo, Egypt, Lebanon, Iran, Sri Lanka, Malaysia,Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan,China and of course India.